What precisely is Memcached? What is the reason for its expanding popularity among users who take care of databases?
Memcached is a popular caching system, which can boost the loading speed and the performance of your sites considerably in case they use an API or a database. This is achieved by caching the requests to the database/API and the responses that are delivered, so when a visitor conducts a search for a certain product on your website, for instance, the database will not have to be accessed to show the results and the entire operation will be performed considerably quicker. This is valid for all types of database-driven applications and not only for online shops, since every time a given page is visited, the app connects to its database to get the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your site load considerably faster, but it will also generate much less server load. If any data in the database is edited, the cached responses will also be ‘refreshed’, so the visitors will not see any out-of-date info.
Memcached in Shared Hosting
If you host script-powered websites in a
shared hosting account with our company, you’ll be able to add the Memcached content caching system to your hosting package with only a couple of clicks of the mouse via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The upgrade will be available instantly and, since the PHP extension needed for it is already installed on our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform, you can start using it straight away. To give you more versatility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (in other words – how many sites will use Memcached) and to the amount of system memory that the Memcached caching system will use. The latter is offered in increments of 16 MB and you can order memory as many times as you wish. Logically, the more memory Memcached is permitted to use, the more content it will cache, so if you’ve got a resource-requiring website with lots of data, you may need more memory in order to be able to make full use of the power that Memcached can give you.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can add the Memcached distributed memory caching platform to any of the
semi-dedicated plans that we offer and use its full capacity for any script-powered Internet site hosted on our servers. The upgrade is offered through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you can select two features – the number of instances and the memory. These things show the number of the sites that can use the Memcached caching platform and how much system memory it will use to store your information. You can select them separately, since a given instance is not tied to a fixed amount of system memory, so you can use lots of memory for a single busy site, for example. This upgrade comes in increments of 16 MB and you can get as much memory as you like. The Memcached platform can be used with any script-powered site irrespective of its nature, including those based on widely used software apps like WordPress, Drupal
™ or Joomla
™, and many companies such as Wikipedia and Zynga are already using it to accelerate the speed of their websites.
Memcached in VPS Servers
If you buy a
VPS server from our company, you will be able to use Memcached at no additional price, as the distributed memory caching platform comes with all VPSs that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Even if you manage heavy websites, you’ll be able to enhance their overall performance without effort and the reduced load on the Virtual Private Server will allow you to keep your current VPS plan instead of migrating to a more powerful one. The amount of memory that the Memcached platform can use to store data depends on the plan that you are using, but even with a low-end one, you’ll have no less than several hundred megabytes, which is significantly more than the amount of memory you’d get with a shared hosting plan, so the website performance boost will be great. You can use the Memcached platform with any database-powered application, regardless of whether you’ve developed it yourself or you are using a ready-to-use one such as Joomla
™, WordPress or OpenCart.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
dedicated server that’s ordered with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with Memcached pre-installed by default, so you can start using this memory caching system the moment your dedicated server is set up, without the need to activate or upgrade anything. The amount of system memory that Memcached can use depends on the server that you have picked, but since our servers are exceptionally powerful and due to the fact that it’s likely that you’ll host resource-hungry websites on them, the minimum amount of memory that the caching system can use is 3 GB. This will enable you to enhance the overall performance of very large sites without efforts and you will note the difference soon after the Memcached caching system begins caching database requests. You can take full advantage of the system with any database-powered web portal, including those based on popular Content Management Systems such as Joomla
™ and WordPress.