A data center could be described as a sophisticated warehouse for hosting servers. That's a facility which holds a huge number of web servers used by firms for storing information and files or for performing computation services at a huge scale. Web hosting, search engines and large social networks are simply a couple of examples of the services that need data centers for their hosting servers as they can't function on just one server. The facilities take care of the heat range, humidity, power and connection backups so as to ensure the most efficient and continuous functioning of all hosting servers located there. All data centers have 24/7 monitoring and restrict the access to the machines so as to make sure that the web servers are secure all the time. The quality of any Internet service that you get usually depends not just on the business you communicate with, but also on the data center facility they use.
Data centers in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting servers are stored in five of the biggest data centre facilities around the world located in Chicago (USA), Coventry (UK), Pori (FI), Sofia (BG) and Sydney (AU). We offer the exact same level of service everywhere as our sophisticated cloud hosting platform is available in all five of them, but for your convenience, you shall be able to choose the one you wish. The constant operation of your Internet sites shall be guaranteed by effective diesel backup generators and numerous backbone Internet Service Providers which every one of the facilities uses in the specific country. The data centers have experienced tech support crews which monitor all servers 24/7 and since your sites will be hosted on our sophisticated cluster platform, you can be certain that you'll enjoy speedy and consistent service at all times. All 5 facilities are available on the order page, so you'll be able to choose the one closest to you or to your targeted region.
Data centers in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you select one of our semi-dedicated server solutions, you'll find 5 data centers to choose from on the order page. The reason to provide numerous locations is to make certain that your site visitors will enjoy amazing loading speeds whatever their physical location. The innovative hosting platform that we employ for the semi-dedicated accounts is available in all five locations - the U.S., England, BG, AU and Finland, so you will receive the very same high-quality service irrespective of your choice. All five facilities employ enterprise-level UPS units and powerful diesel generators to make sure that all machines accommodated within every one of them will remain functional in the case of a power outage. The connectivity to the web servers is guaranteed by using numerous Internet providers with direct fiber routes to key cities on every continent. If any unforeseen problem occurs, it'll be resolved quickly by experienced tech support crews that are available 24/7 in every one of the 5 facilities.
Data centers in VPS Servers
If you decide to get one of the KVM VPS server solutions that we offer, you'll be able to pick the location of your account because we work with several different data centers wolrdwide. We have chosen them every one of them delivers fantastic conditions for the best possible performance of our servers, which in turn means constant working of your Virtual Private Server. Numerous Tier-3 Internet providers, terabit connectivity, effective UPS units and diesel generators can be found in both data centers, so you'll be able to receive the maximum power that a virtual server can provide you with. Because every facility has a competent tech staff, we are able to focus on bettering our services and adding new ones rather than spending time and efforts on maintaining the hardware, which enables us to provide you with a first-class VPS hosting service.
Data centers in Dedicated Servers
In the event that you need plenty of computing power for your sites and you buy one of the dedicated server solutions which we provide, you'll be able to capitalize on the wonderful service which our Chicago-based data center provides. The Colohouse facility is where our dedicated hosting servers are kept and hosting your websites there shall enable you to reach the whole North American continent with ease. Direct connections with the East and West Coasts, with several large cities in the region and even across the Atlantic guarantee the excellent access speeds to your web content. Your hosting server will never be offline as it shall have its own effective UPS unit that'll keep it running until 1.5 MW diesel generators kick in in case there is a power outage. The 24/7 server tech support crew will react very fast in the event that there's any issue with your machine and we have spare parts and whole backup machines within the facility, so your websites will be working no matter what.